Dingshan Habitat: a New Foraging and Resting Habitat of Black-faced Spoonbills in Tainan, Taiwan, Apr. 2003
頂山:黑面琵鷺新棲地 Tzu-Yao Tai, Shih-Hung Wu, Chung-Cheng Kuo, Jian-Cheng Chen, Fu-Sing Huang@2005-11-27
The majority (60-75%) of Black-faced Spoonbills (Platalea minor) (BFS) have regularly spent the winter in the Tsengwen River Estuary, Tainan County, Taiwan. In April 2003, BFS were observed in Ding-Shan (DS) (23o11’N, 120o6’E), north of Chi-gu township, 13 km northeast of the Tsengwen Estuary. This area is dominated by salt farms and fish (aquaculture) ponds. In October-December 2003 and April-May 2004, we examined 1) the daytime behavior of BFS, 2) nighttime movement of the birds and 3) species of fish in the ponds. There is a stable population of birds that roost and forage in DS, while other birds fly between DS and other areas in Chi-gu. The spoonbills of the stable DS population usually roost during the day and fly to foraging sites in the evening. The main fish stocks in the DS salt ponds where the BFS forage are Oreochromis hybrid, Poecilia velifera, Nematalosa come, Liza spp. and Palaemonus ecopalaemonorienpis.