作者 主題: H15北返途中死亡2017.5.13  (閱讀 5877 次)


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« 於: 五月 20, 2017, 09:42:17 am »
韓國傳來一個令人難過的消息,2015年於韓國繫放的小黑琵H15,去年秋天再度來到台灣度冬,然而今年春天北返時,卻疑似不幸溺斃汪洋大海。從衛星追蹤軌跡上可發現,牠4月16日從台南四草出發北返,在台灣東北角出海失敗後飛回新竹,5月9日再度出發,5月11日離開北海岸進入東海,原本可在5月12日飛抵上海崇明島的過境棲地,卻不知何故反向往外海飛去,42小時間,不間斷的飛行超過1,000公里,最終疑似體力不支落海,再傳回來的座標顯示已在海上隨海流漂移,令人傷心。data from Dr. Kisup Lee

Dr. Kisup Lee:
H15 which has been tracked from Namdongji, Incheon, June-20, 2015. H15(Green-Orange band) has died on the East China Sea during the northern migration from Hsinchu, Taiwan. H15 tried to migrate to north for several times started from Dingshan, wintering place at April-16. But it has failed to cross over the China Sea back to Hsinchu at April-19, and again at May-9. It has tried again to cross over the China Sea at May-11 and could go to the coast of Hangzhou. But it changed the direction to off shore and again south. I don't know the reason why H15 has changed the direction. but it could be caused by the bad weather and windward strong wind. It has flown over 1,000km during 42 hours without any stop. It could be getting exhausted, and fell down to the sea. Now it is moving by the current and looks like drowned. It is so pity. The northern migration could be also very difficult to the young birds.
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