作者 主題: 左腳藍白環的疑惑  (閱讀 6145 次)


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« 於: 二月 25, 2013, 10:41:36 pm »
近來有朋友觀察到左腳有藍白色環的黑琵, 而右腳什麼都沒有
因此寫信請教韓國Dr. Lee
Dr. Lee回復如下

I saw in many times the photos of TX4 taken 16th Feb. as you mentioned. It seems to be a female.
(這張應該是母鳥) (譯註:沒說如何認定這隻是母鳥的)

I checked all possible case, and decided it would be K67. I think the possiblity of TX4 is very low, because it had no any record after banding on 1998.
(TX4從1998年繫放之後就再也沒有回收紀錄, 不太可能是TX4)

K67 has BWB bands, but I think lower blue band broken.  It has the last record of BWB bands at 2011. Jan. 22. but after that, no record of BWB.  The main band has dissappeared after 2009.
(可能是K67, 最下面的藍色環可能掉了)

It is surely not E12, because the length of the color band, E12 is shorter than K series. E12 has the length 13mm and diameter 14mm. K31-K80 has the length 15mm and diameter 14mm.
(E系列的色環長13mm, 直徑14mm, 看起來較寬扁;K系列的色環長15mm, 直徑14mm, 看起來較瘦長)

The photos of 2013 Feb 16 show the length is long enough to be K series. And E series band is stronger than K31-80 series. so there is no record of broken E band until now.
(E系列的字環做得比較堅固, 還沒有壞掉的紀錄, K系列的字環已經壞掉了好幾個)

It can be also K58 because it's main band also has broken and has BYB bands, they are very confusing between yellow and white bands, But it will be not. because K58 is a male and has different wrinkle shape. K58 has the Blue-Blue bands. Yellow band got inside the lower blue band after 2011 year. It used to visit on Maipo wetland and breeding on Namdongji.
(因為白色和黃色有時不好分, 所以也有可能是K58藍黃藍, 但K58是公鳥, 這隻則應該是母鳥, 所以不是K58)

I checked the BWB bands(or it can be seen BYB band) in Taiwan as follows.

2009. 11. 20 BYB(?, BWB), no main band.  Chigu, Sherry
2010. 10. 8 BWB, no main band, Gaksiam, K67? or K58?
2010. 11. 20 BWB, no main band,  Chigu
2011. 1. 22  BYB(?, BWB?), no main band, Tainan, (I saw with Mr. Kuo, but I could not sure it would be K67, or K58).
2011. 9. 15. BW, no main band. ??? Suhaam, I could be K66, K67.
2011. 11. 16. BW(?, BY?), no main band. ???, Chigu. I and Inki found it. but we could not sure what it is.
2012. 4. 23. BW. no main band, ???, Han river estuary, Mr. Park. I thought it would be the same one as upper records.
2012. 6. 11. BW, no main band. ???, Ganghwa, It was not K58. It could be K67 because K66 has no record after 2007. it will be female.
2013. 2. 16. BW.  upper blue band tilts to the outside. same as 2010. 11. 20. very similiar to the one on 2012. 6. 11.

How do you think about K67?
K67 is my opinion.
« 上次編輯: 二月 26, 2013, 08:35:24 pm 由 紅鳩 »
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Re: 左腳藍白環的疑惑
« 回覆 #1 於: 二月 26, 2013, 09:40:29 am »