Dear all,
According to the census on Black-faced Spoonbills in South Korea,
we found 21 BFSs in Jeju Province only and more than 36 Eurasian Spoonbills in several areas.
>>> Seongsanpo, Namjeju County, Jeju Province, Korea
: 11 BFSs (1 Juv. and 10 Adults)
>>> Hado-ri fishfarm, Bukjeju County, Jeju Province, Korea
: 10 BFSs (2 Juv. and 8 Adults) and 2 Eurasian Spoonbills (one adult and one dead juvenile)
>>> Participants and Census area :
Chang-Yong Choi (Seoul National University) : Seosan and Jeju area
Hyun-Young Nam (Seoul National University) : Junam reservoir, Upo marsh and Nakdong river estuary
Chang-Wan Kang, Eun-Mi Kim (Jeju Birdwaters' Group) : Jeju area
Hyun-tae Kim (Seosan Girls' Highschool) : Seosan area
Unfortunately, one juvenile BFS was dead from starvation in Cheonsu Bay, Seonsan, Chungbuk Province, on 3 January 2006 after the heavy snow and searching cold. She had stayed with an adult BFS and a wintering group of Eurasian Spoonbills but couldn't survived in the end. After the death we couln't see the remaining adult BFS, but we still try to find the BFS near the wintering area in Seosan.
During the census periods, one juvenile Eurasian Spoonbill was also dead from starvation in Jeju Province in the moring on 8 January 2006. And we couldn't find the juvenile BFS named as 'J11' which was banded in Japan and had stayed in Jeju for more than 6 months after last summer. We hope the J11 moved to some warm wintering sites successfully.
Besides a severe climate, one Peregrin Falcon attacked and nearly hunted a flying adult BFS after a long chase lasted for 15 seconds yesterday and one feral cat attacked a roosting group of BFSs but failed today.
It seems that a winter in the Korean Peninsula is too severe and dangerous for spoonbills to survive safely.
Best regards,
Chang-Yong Choi